If you want Etsy shoppers to find your products, using the right keywords for your listings is essential. Yes, it can be a bit daunting, but you’ll eventually get the hang of it.
What are Keywords?
First, let us discuss what keywords are. Keywords (sometimes referred to as “SEO keywords,” “search queries,” or “keyphrases”) are words and phrases that people enter into search engines to discover information on a specific topic.
A keyword is any term used in a search engine, whether a single word or a long phrase.
On Etsy, keywords are words that customers use when searching for items they want to buy.
Keyword Tips
Keyword Research
1. Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool – Using this tool will help you find related keywords to your products.
2.Etsy Search – Using Etsy’s search bar is an easy way to look for keywords. When you type, a drop-down box will appear with common search terms which customers already use.
3.Comparative Search – Study how other successful sellers title their listings and how they use keywords to vary names for comparable items. Don’t replicate exact titles and descriptions from other businesses since you want to find what’s perfect for your shop and what makes it distinctive.
Each Keyword Must Precisely Define Your Product
Avoid using any complicated tags or language. Customers do searches using broad, general terms and easy language.
You must consider what your customer would search for if they were looking for a product similar to yours. Use the same terms as your customer would.
Vary Your Keywords
When you use the exact keywords for similar products, your items compete with one another. Customers search in a variety of ways. You want as many people to view your items as possible.
Changing the words you choose can help you reach a bigger audience. Furthermore, your items will be more diversified with a broader choice of keywords.
If one keyword suddenly stops being searched for or trending, you still have the other keywords to attract traffic to your shop.
Make Sure Your Keywords are Precise
Customers who click on a particular item of yours and then do not buy notify Etsy that your item is not a good match for that term. Etsy will note and log this, and you will no longer rank well for this term.
When people type on your term, Etsy will send fewer folks your way.
However, if Etsy discovers individuals looking for your keyword and subsequently purchase your item, Etsy will rank your item highly for the term.
When Selecting Keyword Phrases For Etsy SEO, Be Specific
Instead of selecting “bracelet,” try “pearl beaded bracelet.” Etsy wants to ensure that buyers get precisely what they are looking for, and if you help with this, Etsy will reward you.
Describe your product in detail and who would use it. Use all of Etsy’s features and occasion choices to ensure that your customers understand exactly what they are purchasing.
Consider Who Your Listing is Intended For
Is your Etsy shop selling the ideal Valentine’s Day present from a devoted husband to his wife? Is it, on the other hand, the ultimate bridesmaid gift set from the bride-to-be to her besties?
Put Your Best Keywords at the Beginning of Your Listing Title
The primary keyword should be the most related to your product and at the beginning of your title since Etsy considers this to be the most significant.